Sunday School for all ages at 9:30 AM
Sunday Morning is the time we gather together as a local body, to worship the God who created all and provided a way for us to be reconciled to Him.  Our Sunday morning programs are designed as a learning opportunity for believers to be better equipped for life through an understanding of God’s Word.


 Winter Term 2025 –  LBC Sunday School Ministry
January – March  
Children & Youth
         PreK to 5th Grade    Teacher – Lynn Sickinger 
 Room 103

Adventures on Route 66

 Adventures on Route 66 is an extensive, fun, fast-paced curriculum which takes kids through the 66 books of the Bible chronologically.  Students add people and events to a timeline each week to help them envision the “big picture” of the Bible. They also work on memorizing Bible verses and learning to find things in their Bibles. This term is Judges and 1st Kings.


   6th to 8th Grade  –   Teachers Barbara Benedict and Brittany Baccomo
Room 108
Survey of the New Testament


9th to 12th Grade  – Teachers Thom and Kathy Baker
Room 206
Study of Luke
A study of the life and ministry of Jesus presented in the book of Luke, taking a closer look at the Son of Man who came to seek and save the lost. 



      The Gospel of Mark

Teacher  –  Christy Mann 
 Room 205

Gods heart is moved by our cries for help, our shouts for joy, our unspoken worries. We know Him to be a God of unparalleled power and authority, but Mark’s account of Jesus paints him as a personal and intimate God also. 


Be Aware, He’s Back! 

Teacher  –  Neil Aiello
Room 106
We will biblically recount the history and purpose of Satan himself, and look at the important literary works that deal with him.
Israel’s Place in the Gospel 
Teacher  –  Pastor Mike
Community Room
A study of Romans chapter 9-11.